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Low Back Sprain and Strain

What does it mean when you sprain and strain your low back?

 Your low back is made up of five bones stacked on top of each other with a fluid filled disc between each level. Your low back relies on muscles and ligaments for functional support. Sprains and strains are the result of these tissues being stretched beyond their normal length, much like a rope that frays when stretched beyond its normal capacity. The term ‘sprain’ means that the tough, durable ligaments that hold your bones together have been damaged, while ‘strain’ means that your muscles or tendons that move your low back have been partially torn.

Why does it happen?

Most people experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime, and 70% of those patients can attribute their symptoms to sprain/strain injuries. Low back sprains and strains may result from sudden or forceful movements like a fall, twist, lift, push, pull, direct blow, or quickly straightening up from a seated, crouched, or bent position. Most commonly, sprains and strains are not the result of any single event, but rather from repeated overloading. The spine can generally manage small isolated stressors quite well, but repetitive challenges lead to injury in much the same way that constantly bending a piece of copper wire will cause it to break. Examples of these stressors include: bad postures, sedentary lifestyles, poor fitting workstations, repetitive movements, improper lifting, or being overweight.

What are the symptoms of a sprain/strain injury?

Symptoms from a sprain/strain may begin suddenly but more commonly develop gradually. Symptoms may range from dull discomfort to surprisingly debilitating pain that becomes sharper when you move. Rest may relieve your symptoms but often leads to stiffness. The pain is generally centered in your lower back but can spread towards your hips or thighs. Be sure to tell your doctor if your pain extends beyond your knee, or if you have weakness in your lower extremities or a fever.

Tools to getting you back to 100%

·      1. Heat

·      2. Hands on muscle, tendon, and ligament release

·      3. Acupuncture

·      4. Spinal Manipulation, as with chiropractic care

·      5. Active stretching and exercises

What will happen if you don’t get treatment?  

Sprain/strain injuries cause your normal healthy elastic tissue to be replaced with less elastic "scar tissue." This process can lead to ongoing pain and even arthritis. Patients who elect to forego treatment and "just deal with it" develop chronic low back pain more than 60% of the time. Seeking early and appropriate treatment like the type provided in our office is critical.

What should you do at home to help yourself?

Depending on the severity of your injury, you may need to limit your activity for a while, especially bending, twisting, and lifting, or movements that cause pain. Bed rest is not the right approach in this case. You should remain active and return to normal activities as your symptoms allow. The short-term use of a lumbar support belt may be helpful. Sitting makes your back temporarily more vulnerable to sprains and strains from sudden or unexpected movements. Be sure to take frequent breaks from workstations for 5-10 minutes every 50 minutes. Following acute injuries, you can apply ice for 15-20 minutes each hour. Heat may be helpful after several days (2-3 days) or for more chronic origins of pain. Ask your doctor for specific ice/heat recommendations. Some patients report partial relief from sports creams.

Key takeaway points

 When you over stretch muscles and tendons, we call that a strain. Similarly, when you overstretch ligaments, we call that a sprain.

Even though you may not consider this to be serious, it may lead to chronic low back pain or even spinal degeneration in the long term. It requires effective and specific therapeutic intervention to mitigate the long-term consequences.

Check out what Harvard Medical School has to say about low back pain
